A true business opportunity is the one that an entrepreneur invents to grow him or herself. Not to work in, but to work on.”, “The purpose of going into business is to get free of a job so you can create jobs for other people.” – Michael E. Gerber




Every successful business has four (4) pillars:


  1. Product
  2. Positioning
  3. Platform
  4. Connectors



The problem with most real estate agents, as I explained in the article, “The Power of FOCUS,” is that they want to do a little bit of everything: commercial, residential, buyers, sellers, rental, and at the same time help clients in many different areas of the city. It is impossible to become a top producer–in other words become a great product (real estate agent)–by trying to do everything at the same time.

If you look at Apple Computer, for example, they focus on very few products. Apple does not sell printers, routers, mainframes, cameras, etc. Their FOCUS is on four core products: laptop computers, desktop computers, phones, tablets. They all are great products. Disney does something similar–they target their product to a specific niche: families with small children. The company doesn’t reach out to adolescents nor do they try to compete with companies that target adults.

If you examine the work of any top producing real estate agent, you will find the same similarities. They became the product, they positioned themselves to dominate a specific area, and they focused with laser-like intensity on becoming the expert of choice to a specific niche.

Once you’ve transformed your idea into a product, established your presence in a specific market, and selected a suitable platform, it’s essential to start seeking out connectors to fuel your growth. These connectors, such as bankers, accountants, developers, and general contractors, play a pivotal role in expanding your business. Building a strong network of these professionals can significantly enhance your business reach and reputation. Moreover, ensuring your business is listed in the local business register (such as the indonesia business register) can also boost your visibility, making it easier for potential connectors to find and recommend your services.




  • Product. I wrote two books (nowadays, just anyone can do this). Those books allowed me to be viewed as an author, and that gave me access to the media: television, radio, and newspapers. It also positioned me as a “financial expert” instead of, simply, a financial advisor. After the book, I created an on-line course and a website with great content in the form of e-books, reports, and PDF’s. I, then, integrated social media which led to great offers and contracts with Telemundo, MasterCard, and Univision


  • Positioning. I made sure I targeted only an international, Hispanic audience.


  • Platform. A website, social media, then television, radio and newspaper.


  • Connectors. Bankers, real estate companies, accountants, and international conferences.

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For a more detailed description on how I did it and how you can apply the same principles to your real estate business, watch the following video.


If you want to compete at a high level, achieve a high level of success and dominate the field, you must develop the habit of practicing and preparing yourself. To learn how to create a practice routine and the five-step process to improve your skills, visit us at www.montielorganization.com or send me an e-mail at [email protected].





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