“Great promotion is easy if you have the best product, and you most become the product”-Donald Trump


You’ve heard me say before that there are 4 pillars to every successful business, Product, Positioning, Platform and Connectors. This post is about the importance of becoming and creating a great product.

  1. What makes you different from other agents?
  2. Why should a client choose you over everyone else?

These are two crucial questions that you must ask yourself to produce at a high level.

If you analyze any successful company you’ll quickly discover they all have great products, in other words something to offer.. Most agents don’t have enough clients because they haven’t differentiated themselves from every other agents who is competing for the same clients. They are chasing clients instead of creating value for the client. As a result they end up working 7 days a week with the least qualified and lowest budget clients in the market. Focus on creating value and the money will come. Rememer, what’s your product? What are you offering to your clients?


To distinguish yourself from your competitors, you must become products and services that are valuable to your clients. Products that educate your clients. Remember and educated client is an easier, more profitable client to work with.


a product and a brand. And you must be able to package your information in the form of blog posts, videos, podcasts, PDF reports, e-books, books and more. If you look at my financial site www.pazeconomica.com you’ll see how I differentiated myself by becoming a product. I packaged my information, first as a book, in 2005. Doing this opened the door to many opportunities: TV, Radio, Newspaper, Live Appearances, Sponsorship, and spokesperson for Telemundo, Bloomberg, Univision and Master Card.

So, you’re asking, how did I get the opportunity to work with the great companies that hired me and sponsored my message? I created a great product. I packaged my knowledge in a form that in very valuable to my clients.

Are you a product or just another agent? Why not become a product and enjoy the fruits of your labor? The following video offers more in-depth information about creating and becoming a product.

For more information about how to build your product, e-mail me ([email protected]) or visit at www.montielorganization.com to take advantage of programs about how to increase your productivity, build your real estate business, identify the most profitable niche according to your profile, expand in your market area, and become the expert of choice for the clients you’re targeting.



Download the report “THE 7 STEPS TO BECOME A TOP PRODUCER”

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